This week was actually pretty tough but it was pretty great at the same time. Elder Baum and I gave an zone instruction at zone training about Spiritual planning. I'm not exactly sure how to apply it to all of you (except for those on missions) except that when we are guided by the Spirit, that is when we are instruments in the hands of God. Alma 29:9
Also this week we found out transfers. Elder Baum is being Transferred and my new companion will be Elder Garcia Cordero. This week we had some pretty cool miracles.
1. We had an adventure driving to an area this week called Mt. Airy. It's about 45 minutes away and there is not a whole lot of work up there. We had a few formers and a solid referral we wanted to meet, but some things fell through. There was a lady up there who was kind of mad that we were knocking some doors and said that it was illegal. My thought though is this. I am so glad that the message we bring is free of charge. That is whats makes proselyting legal in many places. Our price though is not one of this world, but rather a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Because it is true that we ask people to change. That sometimes is a price too much for them, but our job is to show them the light and the truth of our message.
2. Later that day, we met with a man named Giovani who was just a random guy we helped last week. He actually showed up and wanted to learn. It was pretty great. We met with him again on Friday and gave him a church tour. It turns out that he thought we were Catholic for some reason, but now has the desire to read the Book of Mormon and search for himself. Blessings of having a member.
3. Same day, we pass by a house to see if we can meet with a guy named Aldo. He's outside hiding while smoking some weed, but the other man in the house was super cool. His name is Samuel and he was super ready to learn. We didn't have much time, but we gave a copy of the Book of Mormon and left a restoration pamphlet. We set an appointment for Saturday before a baptismal service for our member's son. We came and he has read the pamphlet and a part of the Book of Mormon. He had some basic questions and it was an awesome lesson. He wants to learn and progress. He offered the prayer at the end, and this is his first prayer with us and we haven't talked about it yet, and he offers the most beautiful and sincere prayer I think I have ever heard. Miracle.
I don't have a ton of time this week to keep writing, but these were some really cool experiences I had this week. I love you all and hope that you can keep doing your part in the Lord's service.